Usage Examples

Image-Based metrics

The group of metrics (such as PSNR, SSIM, BRISQUE) takes an image or a pair of images as input to compute a distance between them. We have a functional interface, which returns a metric value, and a class interface, which allows to use any metric as a loss function.

import torch
from piq import ssim, SSIMLoss

x = torch.rand(4, 3, 256, 256, requires_grad=True)
y = torch.rand(4, 3, 256, 256)

ssim_index: torch.Tensor = ssim(x, y, data_range=1.)

loss = SSIMLoss(data_range=1.)
output: torch.Tensor = loss(x, y)

For a full list of examples, see image metrics examples.

Distribution-Based metrics

The group of metrics (such as IS, FID, KID) takes a list of image features to compute the distance between distributions. Image features can be extracted by some feature extractor network separately or by using the compute_feats method of a class.


compute_feats consumes a data loader of a predefined format.

import torch
from import DataLoader
from piq import FID

first_dl, second_dl = DataLoader(), DataLoader()
fid_metric = FID()
first_feats = fid_metric.compute_feats(first_dl)
second_feats = fid_metric.compute_feats(second_dl)
fid: torch.Tensor = fid_metric(first_feats, second_feats)

If you already have image features, use the class interface for score computation:

import torch
from piq import FID

x_feats = torch.rand(10000, 1024)
y_feats = torch.rand(10000, 1024)
msid_metric = MSID()
msid: torch.Tensor = msid_metric(x_feats, y_feats)

For a full list of examples, see feature metrics examples.